By Sandy Zoumbaris

Welcome to Wild Weavings! I am very excited to share with my fellow humans about my adventures connecting with non-human species.  I really enjoy asking other beings what is it like to be you, show me about your life, and what do you want to say to humans.

I may employ a variety of non-verbal forms of communication in these Wild Weavings interactions.  The encounters might also include my favorite approach where (with their permission, of course) I connect our hearts and weave my consciousness together with their consciousness.  This weaving enables me to experience what the other being is experiencing.  I hope sharing these stories will help expand human awareness about our planetary family members and deepen understanding between species.

Hummingbirds hold a very special place in my heart.  It is beyond comprehension to me that these incredibly tiny creatures fly all the way to Mexico and Central America each Fall and then fly all the way back to my home again every Spring.  They even have the strength and endurance to complete a non-stop 500 mile crossing of the Gulf of Mexico!!!!  I look to the ruby-throated hummingbirds for personal inspiration when the going gets rough in my own life.  In honor of these beautiful winged beings, I am happy to share a hummingbird story in this very first Wild Weavings post.

One morning, an elder female hummingbird, who I gave the name Sage, flew up and hovered right in front of my face.  I asked if she wanted to share something with me.  “It is time to change the food in the feeder”, she replied. I assured her that I would do so right away. Then, I just had to confess to her how much I admire her ability to hover.  “You can connect with me to see what hovering is like”, she responded.  What an honor to receive that invitation!  Of course I accepted her offer.  I wove my consciousness together with hers, and hung on for an exhilarating aerial adventure!

We paused to drink from the hummingbird feeder so I could experience that, indeed, it was time to replace the food.  Then we raced to the garden at the SPEED OF LIGHT!  I think I held my breath the whole way as we soared up, down, in circles, stopped in mid-flight and, of course, hovered. I now truly understand just HOW MUCH FUN IT IS TO FLY!!

As we approached my own garden I hardly recognized it!  The place looked entirely different through the eyes of Sage. The colors were unbelievably vivid and each individual plant was surrounded by a shimmering light.  Some individual plants were a great deal more luminous than their neighbors. Sage chose to visit one of the most brilliantly glowing flowers in the whole garden – a magnificent coral-colored hollyhock!

My hummer friend hovered in front of the luminous hollyhock and reached out to weave her consciousness with that of the radiant flower.  She then poured her heart out in a beautiful expression of her love and gratitude to this bloom.  What happened next was the most amazing part of the whole journey.  This gorgeous blossom created just one special droplet of nourishing nectar specifically for my tiny winged friend! This was the equivalent of a human going to a restaurant and the chef creating a unique meal designed exclusively for that individual person!

The taste of that tiny drop of living light was beyond description!  I now have a much greater understanding of why hummingbirds prefer the nourishment provided by beautiful living flowers. There is no way the food in the feeder even comes close to the heavenly sweetness of the exquisite droplet of nectar produced by that dazzling hollyhock.

I expressed my feelings of appreciation and love to Sage.  I still cannot believe how fortunate I am to have experience of this wonderful, loving, and supportive interspecies relationship!  The impact of this incredible experience on me was profound. My relationships with the life forms in my own garden and the beings in the natural world around me were forever altered.

There is so much we can learn from our non-human teachers.  I hope sharing this story will help expand humanity’s awareness and understanding of the other-than-human species on this planet and the relationships they have with each other.


To find out what flowers to plant to attract hummingbirds:


Here is an easy recipe for making your own hummingbird food.

Sandy Zoumbaris


As my journey with Interspecies Weavings continues to unfold, I am passionate about sharing my experiences with the wild ones, the non-domesticated species that also call the Earth home. Wild Weavings is a series of blog posts about these intuitive interspecies explorations.

To view a list of the Wild Weavings posts please click here.

Posts about a variety of topics in intuitive interspecies communication can be viewed here.