By Sandy ZoumbariS

Many people have inquired about the three non-human beings represented in the Interspecies Weavings logo.  The dolphin, hummingbird and deer have each played major roles in my interspecies communication journey.  In a previous post, I wrote about an adventure with a special hummingbird friend.   (Click here to see the Hummingbird Bliss blog.) Today I am happy to share about an amazing experience with wild dolphins that I believe planted me firmly on the path to intuitive interspecies communication.

I was visiting my sister and her family at their home in the Atlantic coast city of Virginia Beach, Virginia.  My sister suggested we go on an outing to a special bay where they often were able to see wild dolphins.  My sister and I loaded their sea kayak and my five-year-old niece into the car and headed for the ocean.

As we approached our destination we saw very few humans on the beach. However, we could see a large group of wild dolphins out there in the water!  As soon as our vehicle came to a full stop, we grabbed the kayak and the three of us ran as fast as we could to the ocean.  My sister and I, with my niece seated between us in the kayak, paddled as fast as we could toward the group of dolphins.  As we got close to them, the dolphin pod suddenly vanished!  There was not one dolphin in sight!  Feeling very disappointed, we just sat in the kayak and floated on the water, hoping they might surface again..

Suddenly they were back! Our kayak was surrounded by lots of dolphins everywhere!!!

Then, to our absolute astonishment, a group of three of these beautiful cetaceans surfaced right next to our kayak!  They were so close we could almost touch them.  Even more incredible, this group consisted of two adult dolphins with a baby dolphin swimming between them!  This was way beyond what we hoped to experience and we were giggling and laughing with joy!

All of a sudden, I received what I believe was a very clear message from the dolphins.

“Two adult dolphins with a child between them – meeting two adult humans with a child between them!” 

I shared this with my sister and we just stared at each other with our mouths open in disbelief.  This was NOT a coincidence!  These amazing beings deliberately reached out to us!  We were participants in a wonderful experience of communication between two species!!!

three dolphins swimming together

I am not sure how long we continued to share this heartfelt connection with the wild dolphin adults and baby floating beside our kayak.  My niece was enjoying her own conversation with the young dolphin.  She was making soft sounds and using her hands to send playful splashes and bubbles through the water to the dolphin child.  I clearly remember feeling totally filled with wonder and gratitude for this incredible experience.

Suddenly, all of the dolphins disappeared at once, again!  The whole pod was gone and we did not see them again that day.  Had this really happened?  Was it a just dream? 

I have shared conversations with other humans who have experienced life changing encounters with wild dolphins.  The sudden appearance and disappearance seems to be a characteristic trademark.  This dolphin event occurred years before I even learned that there was such a thing as interspecies communication.  I now believe that this incredible meeting opened me up to the possibility of intuitive interspecies communication so that I would be able to fully embrace the idea a few years later.

I hope this story inspires you to just open your heart to something like this happening to you.  If you are open to receive from other species, they will know this.  Every human on this planet is born with the ability to communicate with other species.  There are all kinds of ways that a non-human being might reach out to connect with you.  A similar experience just might be waiting to happen to you!!!


(Photos are from a trip to Florida)

Sandy Zoumbaris


As my journey with Interspecies Weavings continues to unfold, I am passionate about sharing my experiences with the wild ones, the non-domesticated species that also call the Earth home. Wild Weavings is a series of blog posts about these intuitive interspecies explorations.

To view a list of the Wild Weavings posts please click here.

Posts about a variety of topics in intuitive interspecies communication can be viewed here.