By Sandy Zoumbaris

I recently learned that the Global Sanctuary for Elephants in Brazil uses Green Hope Farm Flower Essences to assist the elephants recovering from the trauma of years of captivity.  I was glad to see these wonderful flower essences being used to benefit animals around the globe.  This prompted me to share about one of my favorite tools for helping animals.  I have been using essences from the Green Hope Farm Animal Wellness Collection with my animal family for years. These are my favorite flower essences because they are stabilized without alcohol in a gentle, non-toxic, red shiso base produced at Green Hope Farm.

The Animal Wellness Collection consists of 22 essences created to support the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of animals.  These flower essences were developed to help animals with the challenges they face in today’s world.  They can be given to domesticated and non-domesticated animals and even humans.  Essences can be taken along with conventional medications and work in a manner complementary to veterinary care.  I feel safe using them and have taken them myself and given them to my animal and human family members for more than two decades.

The Green Hope Essences website has a lot of useful information about the Animal Wellness Collection and the general collection. You can search for the essence that best suits your needs and find instructions about how to administer them to animals. There is even an extensive list of common concerns for animals and the recommended essences for those concerns.  You can also contact the helpful and knowledgeable staff for assistance with selection.

I usually have a few items from the Animal Wellness Collection on hand for my fur family.  Animal Emergency, Digestive Woes, and Recovery are typically in my animal first aid kit.  I have found Run & Play and Senior Citizen to be helpful to my seniors.  Essences that might benefit animals rescued from shelters include Abandonment and Abuse, Anxiety and New Beginnings.

I have never had a problem administering the Green Hope flower essences to animals. They seem to just know these essences support their well being.  My cat loves them and gets excited when he sees one of the cobalt blue bottles in my hand.

To learn more about the Green Hope Farm Animal Wellness Collection visit their website here. Click this link for more information about the Global Sanctuary for Elephants.

Sandy Zoumbaris

As my journey with Interspecies Weavings continues to unfold, I am passionate about sharing my experiences with the wild ones, the non-domesticated species that also call the Earth home. Wild Weavings is a series of blog posts about these intuitive interspecies explorations.

To view the Wild Weavings posts please click here.