common Questions

FAQ Help Center

My FAQ page tries to answer some of the most commonly asked questions.
If your question is not covered, please contact me and I’ll reply as soon as possible.

Frequently Asked questions

Listed below are some of the questions most frequently asked about interspecies communication.

Intuitive interspecies communicators are able to converse with non-human species. The organizers of the Second International Symposium on Intuitive Interspecies Communication (March of 2023, Saskatchewan University) defined Intuitive Interspecies Communication (IIC) as:

“…a detailed, non-verbal and non-physical form of communication between humans and other animals. Drawing on a diversity of intuitive capacities, IIC includes the mutual exchange of visceral feelings, emotions, mental impressions and thoughts, embodied sensations of touch, smell, taste, sound, as well as visuals in the mind’s eye. While these exchanges can occur while in direct physical proximity to the animal, they can also occur over great distances and without the need for visual, auditory, olfactory, voice or other cues that humans normally associate with direct interactive communication” *

For more about the work of the symposium click here.

*Barrett, M.J., Hinz, V., Wijngaarden, V. &  Lovrod, M. (2021). ‘Speaking’ with Other Animals through Intuitive Interspecies Communication: Towards Cognitive and Interspecies Justice’.  In Eds. Alice Hovorka, Sandra McCubbin and Lauren Van Patter. A Research Agenda for Animal Geographies, Chapter 10. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 

Interspecies communicators have unique styles, but all can work to effectively interpret what they receive from another species in a format understood by other humans. Communication takes place through visual images, feelings, words and sentences, or even just knowing. These exchanges assist people and other species in understanding each other’s perspectives.

Certification through the Nancy Windheart Animal Communication Professional Practitioner Training and Certification Program means that I have achieved and demonstrated a foundational competency in interspecies communication, animal-human consultation and professional ethics.  This also means that I adhere to the Code of Ethics for Interspecies Communicators by Penelope Smith and the Ethical Guidelines for Animal Communication and Animal Energy Work by Nancy Windheart.

Disagreements between humans and non-human family members
Conflicts between one animal and another animal
Behavioral changes and inappropriate or destructive behavior
Easing the introduction of new members into the family
Adjustments to life changes like moving or illness
End of life conversations
Afterlife conversations
Missing or lost animals (I am currently not accepting lost and missing animal consultations. Please see Contact an Animal Communicator on my Lost and Missing Animal Resources page for referrals.)

An interspecies communicator can ask an animal to describe what they are feeling or if they are experiencing pain, but they DO NOT diagnose illness or prescribe treatment. If you suspect a health issue it is important to talk with your veterinarian.

Can’t find an Answer?

Common Consultation Questions

A conversation takes place by phone in which you receive information that is communicated to me by the animal that can help you to understand why they are doing what they are doing and what they need.  I will also explain your perspective to the animal involved.  See the Consultations Page for more information.

My agreement to adhere to the Ethical Guidelines for Animal Communication and Animal Energy Work by Nancy Windheart means that clear and specific permission will be obtained in each instance of communication with any non-human.

Your session, interactions, communications and information will be kept strictly confidential.  Your personal information will not be shared with anyone.

Click on the REQUEST CONSULTATION button and let me know you are interested.  I will respond with an email asking for some basic information.  Once I have received the information, your permission and a photo of the animal we will proceed to schedule your appointment.

If you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment please notify me at least 24 hours before the scheduled session.

I cannot change the behavior of anyone or make them do something they do not want to do. I will not tell the animal or you what to do. I do not diagnose, treat or cure anything.

I guarantee I will do my best to convey as accurately as I can what I receive from an animal and explain your perspective to them. This conversation can lead to greater understanding between you and facilitate the resolution of problems. If you are not satisfied with the consultation a refund will be provided.