About Sandy

The journey that lead me to Interspecies Weavings

My Story

Animals, trees, flowers, the Earth, are all at the center of my journey. As a child, I included animals in my definition of “family” and felt intuitively connected with them and the natural world around me.  However, I never heard of animal communication until 1999 when I attended an amazing two-day workshop with Patty Summers in Virginia. I knew by the end of the weekend animal communication had to be a part of my life.  Although it was years before I was able to take additional courses, the experience impacted me so strongly I never gave up hope and kept practicing with my own animal family members.

During those years, I also had the privilege of connecting with the incredibly gifted animal communicator, Jan Spiers. Jan helped me find solutions to a number of challenging interspecies situations. This increased my appreciation for the value of interspecies communicators and communication and sustained my desire to help others in the way Jan supported me and my animal family.

After I retired from a career in horticulture, I knew exactly what I wanted next. My elderly cat and strongest supporter, Rusty, encouraged me to take animal communication classes again. It was my great fortune to discover Nancy Windheart and her wonderful Interspecies Communication Certification Program.  In Rusty’s honor, I completed the requirements for certification at the end of 2019, two decades after the Patty Summers workshop. At that moment the idea for Interspecies Weavings began to sprout and take form.

finn the cat about

” I am very grateful to all the people and animals supporting me on my journey in intuitive interspecies communicaation.”

I am very grateful to all the people and animals supporting me on my journey in intuitive interspecies communication.  I offer my services to the world, hoping to follow the excellent examples of Patty Summers, Jan Spiers, and Nancy Windheart as I create a warm and safe space for open sharing between humans and nonhumans. I am inspired by the compassion, integrity, and professionalism of these mentors and by the growing number of individuals in the interspecies communication field.

As my journey with Interspecies Weavings continues to unfold, I am passionate about sharing my experiences with the non-domesticated species that also call the Earth home. To be successful Earthkeepers, we need the input of all the residents.  I hope the work I do will help weave a new web that reconnects humanity to each other, and to all the other amazing forms of life on this beautiful planet.

building connections

Expanding my awareness


My Story Continues

My story continues with my efforts to deepen my connections to the Earth and all her inhabitants. There is so much to be learned through expanding my awareness of all of nature. I continue to reach out, whether it is to the plants, bees and flowers in my garden, or to the animals that live in the wild. I am passionate about sharing what I am learning when I connect to the other-than-human residents of this planet.

Reconnecting to the web of life can help us create solutions to what threatens our climate, environment and planet. Communication is the thread we can use to weave those connections.
Please click here to view my Wild Weavings posts about my adventures with interspecies communication.

amazing animals

Some of My Animal friends

Some of the wonderful animals I’ve worked with in the past…

pig pig