By Sandy Zoumbaris

Many of us appreciate the opportunity to discuss care options as well as end of life wishes with our beloved elderly animal companions.  Although these conversations can be emotionally very difficult, they can bring peace of mind to everyone involved. My intention is to provide my clients with compassionate telepathic translation and a safe container in which to hold these heart-to-heart discussions with their special animal relatives.

Although commonly referred to as the “end of life conversation”, this type of consultation can also be useful prior to surgery, at the beginning of a treatment protocol or at the time of any major change in an animal companion’s life situation including illness or even the loss of another family member.  A check-in with an elderly animal can provide information about how they are feeling or if there have been any recent changes and how we can help them deal with the physical and other effects of aging. This service provided by telepathic interspecies communicators can be a valuable supplement to traditional geriatric and palliative veterinary care.

My own experience with an end of life conversation with one of my own animal family members provides an example of what this type of consultation can be like. When my 17 year old cat, Rusty, was diagnosed with terminal cancer I was overwhelmed with emotions.  I reached out to an individual who provided me with animal communication services for many years and was very familiar with our special relationship.  The end of life conversation took place just days before Rusty’s transition.  The memory of this consultation remains very precious to me. 

We discussed Rusty’s wishes regarding treatment.  He said he did not want a war going on in his body and preferred that we just let the cancer be.  Rusty requested that I continue the energy work I had been doing with him because it made him feel more comfortable.  Eating was becoming a problem and he thanked me for my efforts to help him eat.  Rusty also told me exactly what he would do to let me know when it was time for euthanasia so I would not have to make the difficult decision.

With the assistance of our compassionate translator and friend, we also recounted some of the highlights and special moments of our 17 years together.  For example, we recalled the events of the day I found that tiny five week old kitten in the middle of one of the busiest roads in town at the height of rush hour.  Rusty said he had been waiting for my vehicle and scolded me for being late for our appointment with destiny.  Rusty was adamant that I continue the interspecies communication classes when he was gone and said he would be supporting me from the other side.  His final message to me was not to worry because we would “play together” again.

Rusty informed me when he was ready to transition, just as he said he would.  Knowing that I was doing exactly what he wanted gave me the strength to get through that day and a feeling of peace when he was gone.  This beautiful end of life conversation inspired me to become an interspecies communicator so I could provide this special kind of assistance to others.

Sandy Zoumbaris

As my journey with Interspecies Weavings continues to unfold, I am passionate about sharing my experiences with the wild ones, the non-domesticated species that also call the Earth home. Wild Weavings is a series of blog posts about these intuitive interspecies explorations.

To view the Wild Weavings posts please click here.