Help with Behavior Problems

By Sandy Zoumbaris

Is your animal family member suddenly exhibiting destructive behavior?

Are two animal family members just not getting along?

Is your animal companion getting on in years and you want to ask them how they are feeling and if they are experiencing any pain or discomfort?

Your rescue animal has some unusual behaviors and you want to learn about their life before the two of you met?

These are a few examples of situations where a telepathic interspecies communicator can be helpful.

Behavior-related problems are a common reason people reach out to a telepathic interspecies communicator.  I am not comfortable sharing about actual cases I have worked with, so I am going to share about my own experience with a behavior problem that illustrates how helpful animal communication can be. Years before I began offering this service, I personally engaged the assistance of an interspecies communicator regarding a behavior issue in my own animal family.  My gratitude for the aid I received in this situation and my desire to help others in the same way were primary motivators in my decision to become an interspecies communicator.

A serious emergency situation arose for me when one of my dogs, Velvet, began experiencing seizures.  Seizures can be a frightening situation to witness. Even more frightening to me was the behavior of my other dog, Faith. Faith began attacking Velvet whenever she was having a seizure.  Not only did I have to worry about preventing Velvet from harming herself during the episode, but I had to prevent Faith from harming Velvet!  I could not understand why Faith would attack Velvet!  How was I going to protect Velvet from Faith if a seizure occurred when I was not at home? Would I have to find a new home for one of my dogs? I really did not know what to do so I reached out to an interspecies communicator. 

The communicator connected telepathically with Faith and learned that when a seizure was underway, Faith no longer recognized Velvet!  She felt some stranger had taken over Velvet’s body.  Faith believed this bizarre acting strange dog was a threat to her family that she needed to eliminate!   

The interspecies translator explained to Faith that during these episodes it was still our Velvet, not some other strange dog.  Velvet was ill and not a threat to me or anyone else during the seizures.  I was trying to help Velvet recover from this illness.  Through the communicator, I asked Faith to help me by standing back so I could attend to Velvet during these times.  Also, if I was not home, Faith’s job was to protect Velvet, not attack her.  The negotiations were lengthy, but successful.  Faith finally understood and agreed to stop attacking Velvet during what Faith described as Velvet’s “storms”. 

This incident is a great example of how an interspecies communicator can help with a behavior problem.  I don’t know what I would have done without that assistance.  This experience also illustrates another way telepathic interspecies communication can be of aid.  I asked the communicator to inquire about what Velvet was experiencing during the seizures.  Velvet replied that sometimes she felt out of sorts just prior to an incident, but often the seizures came on without warning.  Velvet described terrible pain and a feeling of intense pressure inside of her head as a seizure began.  She then saw a blinding light and usually lost conscious awareness.  Once the seizure was over and she regained consciousness, she felt confused and disoriented and actually was blind for quite some time.  This description made sense to me in terms of what I was observing.  The translator did not diagnose or prescribe anything in this situation, but the information received telepathically from Velvet helped me to better deal with what was happening.

This experience from my life also shows how an interspecies translator can help in multiple ways during one consultation.  It was a tremendous relief to me that we were able to convince Faith to change her behavior.  I also received valuable information that helped me to understand what Velvet was experiencing as a result of her illness. Conventional and alternative veterinarians were consulted in this case, but the interspecies communicator helped me in ways that were complementary to the veterinary care.

In future blog posts I will share other personal experiences that illustrate how telepathic interspecies communication can help you and the animals in your life.

Sandy Zoumbaris

As my journey with Interspecies Weavings continues to unfold, I am passionate about sharing my experiences with the wild ones, the non-domesticated species that also call the Earth home. Wild Weavings is a series of blog posts about these intuitive interspecies explorations.

To view the Wild Weavings posts please click here.