client testimonials


Very kind words from members of my family of clients!

Improved Our Relationship!

“Sandy was able to help me understand my dog, Toby.  She communicated with him and then gave me the details of what he showed her.  My relationship with Toby grew in ways only possible because of her ability to communicate on a different level.  I truly believe my relationship with my dog is better because of Sandy.”
– Keswick, VA

Go-To person!

“Sandy is my go-to person for help in connecting to my animals. She has brought me much peace through passing on my cats’ communication after they have passed and also has helped me with my living cats. I feel Sandy’s intention and focus are
very strong and pure and her love of animals underlies her work. She comes from the heart with compassion for you and your animal family. I highly recommend her”
Susan Wolf
– Wolfsongs School of Shamanism, Afton, VA

Helpful Insights!

“When Sandy told me she had started doing animal communication, I was excited to have her reach out to our new dog, Momo. He is incredibly sweet but turns into a snarling terror when resource guarding toys or food in his crate. Sandy gave us some helpful insights and tips. While some of the resource guarding behavior remains, it has lessened greatly since Sandy’s interaction with him. We get to spend a lot more time with a dog who brings us great joy. Wonderful!”
Susan L,
Sunnyvale, CA

Source of Comfort!

“Sandy has been very helpful over many years in helping me understand what my pups are thinking at various times in their lives.  It’s been a real source of comfort knowing that she is there to communicate with them when I need it.”
– Charlottesville, VA

A Safe Return!

“We turned to animal communicator Sandy in the worst possible situation, our beloved border collie had run away from home when he became terrified during a thunderstorm. It was late at night and we had been searching for hours. In desperation I called Sandy. She agreed to help and when she called me back she explained what Max was feeling and shared his description of his hiding place. I walked out of the yard and kept walking until I found what seemed to be the right place. When I quietly called his name, he crawled out from under a bush and came right to me. We can never thank Sandy enough for her help.”
Shafer Family
– Staunton, VA

Back to His Old Self!

A few years ago I moved back in with my parents and brought my beloved cat, Katya. There were some adjustments as we all settled into the house together. Katya was exhibiting some unusual behavior and also seemed depressed. Sandy worked with him several times and shared some helpful insights from Katya. I was surprised and touched to find out that he missed spending one-on-one time with me. She also suggested practical things I could do to improve my cat’s living environment, like making a covered space for him to sleep, which he loves to this day. His behavior and demeanor changed and he’s back to his old self. We’ve been very happy in our living situation ever since. I’m so grateful to know someone who can communicate with animals, and she does a fantastic job connecting pets and people.
Leslie S.
– Staunton, Virginia


some of My Animal friends

Some of the wonderful animals I’ve worked with in the past…
