nonverbal interspecies connections

Intuitive Interspecies communication

Communicating With All Life

Intuitive interspecies Communication

interspecies communication

Intuitive interspecies communicators are able to engage in communication with other-than-human species. Practitioners of interspecies communication have a wide range of personal styles including visual images, feelings, words and sentences, and even just knowing. These communicators can effectively relay what they receive from another species in a format that is understood by other humans.

Intuitive interspecies communicators are able to assist people and beings of other species in understanding each other’s perspectives. Providing an opportunity for the voice of the other-than-human participant to be heard can increase awareness, facilitate cooperation, and strengthen relationships between humans and other species.

The intuitive skills of animal communicators have traditionally been applied to situations involving humans and domestic animal family members. As awareness of the value of interspecies communication is growing, intuitive interspecies communicators are working remotely and in-person to bring their expertise into animal shelters as well as veterinary offices, wildlife rehabilitation centers and wild animal preserves. By expanding opportunities for communication between species, these practitioners are facilitating understanding between humans and other-than-humans.


I provide Interspecies Weavings consultation services to assist people and beings of other species in understanding each other’s perspectives. The objective in a consultation is to create a safe and loving space where heart-to-heart sharing between human and other-than-human participants can take place. These conversations can facilitate understanding and promote cooperation between species.

The types of situations in which an interspecies consultation can be beneficial include: conflict resolution between various species, understanding and coping with behavioral change and inappropriate behavior, and adjustment to life changes like moving, illness, and the addition of new family members. End of life and afterlife conversations can provide compassionate support and assistance to those caring for older animals.

To reach my Consultations page and more detailed information about arranging for a consultation, please click the button below.

tulip the cute dog


Interspecies Weavings also provides an opportunity for me to share about my experiences with the non-domesticated inhabitants of this planet in my Wild Weavings blog posts. I truly enjoy reaching out to birds, insects, trees, flowers, reptiles, rocks and other species to find out what it is like to be them. I ask questions like what it is like to be you, what is your life like, and what do you want to say to humans. When I open myself to listen and receive what they want to say, I feel a deeper sense of kinship with all life on this beautiful planet.

Interspecies Weavings really is about my journey of reconnecting to the Earth and all of her inhabitants. I am passionate about providing the opportunity for all species to “tell their story” and want to make these experiences available to my fellow humans. I honor and express my gratitude to the beings that are willing to connect with me. I hope my Wild Weavings stories inspire others to weave their own bridges to help humanity reconnect with our planetary family and the Earth.

Please click below to read about my quest to find out what it’s like to be an other-than-human Earthling!

tulip the cute dog


  • Non-verbal and non-physical communication that comes in many forms and styles
  • The method of communication shared by all species on the planet except humans
  • Enables the voices of other-than-human species to be heard
  • Assists humans and beings of other species in understanding each other’s perspectives
  • Helps weave connections that can facilitate cooperation and strengthen relationships
amazing animals

Some of My Animal friends

Some of the wonderful animals I’ve worked with in the past…
